Foster Family Services

Willard Peak Proctor Care

Youth in proctor care are assigned to a state caseworker to help resolve the reasons why they have been removed from their biological home. Willard Peak offers proctor homes in Northern Utah for children and adolescents served by DJJS and DCFS. Treatment and services for each youth include:

Individual, group, family and NOJOS therapy

Tracking services

Respite care

DHS codes DPB and DIB

Level 1-4 foster/proctor/NOJOS homes

Proctor Homes

Becoming a Foster Parent

Foster parents are loving, caring individuals who provide a safe, stable home for children who are temporarily displaced. They work as part of a team to reunify a child with his/her biological parent(s) if possible. Foster parents provide the support necessary to help a child deal with any issue they may be experiencing. Some of the resources provided to foster parents include:

Continuous training and support 

On-call support 24/7

In-home therapy for child

Child qualifies for 100% paid medical, dental, vision and therapeutic expenses as well as a clothing stipend

Monthly tax-free compensation